

Called Acata since 1938, the original town was called Biscari, and first came to notice at the end of the 13th century.  Steadily growing in size and importance, its ‘ruler’ the Prince of Biscari built the main churches from 1633.  After the 1693 earthquake the churches were rebuilt and other convents and monasteries added, though

repression of the Church meant that some lasted only 50 yeasrs before falling into decay.   Nowadays the principal attractions are the Castle of the Biscari, and the churches of San Vincenzo, the Madonna of Carmelo and the convents of the Cappucini and the Collegio di Maria.

The main events of the Acatese year are Carnival, and the Festival of San Giuseppe, the city’s patron.  In April there is the festival of the martyr San Vincenzo, and Santa Lucia in December.  In the summer months, the life moves to the seaside and the Marina of Acate.